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June 21

PSN PATCH 4.70.07

KW developer proposed today a new update PSNpatch who landed in v4.70.07 with the program, a new extension for STEALTH3 Cobra CFW. This version also improves the installation of plugins on non-cobra, but also specific corrections Webman.

4.70.07 16-APR-2015
* New "STEALTH3" extensions for cobra (*); 
* non-cobra plugin installer improved for speed and compatibility; 
* XMB menus handling for WEBMAN removed (webman-mod automatically updates the XMB GAMES menus). 
* Includes Webman-mod 1.41.35-KW lite edition, english language. 
* psnpatch.pkg file is now LESS THAN 1MB !!!! 
Cobra syscalls disabling improved to a new level: 
* A payload is installed in a random LV2 syscall, from where it immediatelly disables CFW syscalls (including its own) without any limitation or turnaround. 
* This directly bypasses any cobra syscalls table protections by using direct LV2 access (no poking needed). 
* No need to recompile for each existing or future cobra variant. 
* Independent from cobra, mamba, any other payload and firmware version. 
* It restores syscalls: 6(lv2 peek), 7(lv2 poke), 8(semi-lv1 peek / cobra, mamba, ps3mapi), 9(lv1 poke), 10, 11(full lv1 peek), xx(random psnpatch payload) 
psnpatch plugin will report "Stealth3 ..." when successfully using this mode. 

Download PSN PATCH 4.70.07 


 Password :  xToto

How to install

1 unrar file in USB formated Fat32
2 Connect it to your PS3 
3 install the install package file

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